2009 Lightning Hybrids Prototype

2009 Lightning Hybrids Prototype

Lightning Hybrids unveiled the prototype of its hybrid vehicle at the Denver Auto Show . In addition, the company’s unique hydraulic-biodiesel hybrid drivetrain is on display.

The staff at Lightning Hybrids worked around the clock to finish the concept car. “The spring snow storm last week left parts stranded and put us behind schedule” said Dan Johnson, Lightning Hybrids CEO. “We have a very hard-working crew that has gave it everything they’ve got to make up some time. Yes, it was tight - really tight. But we are very pleased with the car and with the response we have received from people at the show.”

The car, a four-seat sports sedan, called the LH4, will average 100 miles to the gallon (biodiesel) and will be able to go 0 to 60 in under six seconds. The LH4 will be available in 2011 and the company already has a waiting list for the car. The car will also be available in a three-wheeled four-seat car, called the LH3, and the hydraulic-biodiesel hybrid drivetrain will be available in a retrofit kit suitable for fleets as well. The LH3 and the drivetrain retrofit will be available in 2010.

Lightning Hybrids, Inc. is the only Colorado car maker that will exhibit at the Denver Auto Show. The company currently employs a staff of 12 and plans to increase that number to over 300 over the next four years. Lightning Hybrids is a contender for the 2010 Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize race, with $10 million in prizes to be awarded to the teams that win a stage race for clean, production-capable vehicles that exceed 100 MPGe.

2009 Lightning Hybrids Prototype